I started learning the JavaScript framework in 2021, it is going well with React JS and Next JS. I implemented some basic projects, uploaded those to GitHub, and hosted them on Vercel. I was hearing the term open source from long back and I want to contribute to it but somehow I didn’t get started with this open source.
Many friends on Twitter telling the importance of contributing to open source, on Nov 11, 2022, I saw a Twitter post of Eddie Jaoude where he tweeted “Are YOU looking for some Open Source React (javascript) with TailWind "Good First Issue", In this thread, he mentioned about one open issue [FEATURE] Profile keywords/tags list, where we have to add tags to the profile like this "tags": ["javascript", "typescript"], we have to display that data to the user profile.
Using my knowledge of basic javascript and react js I completed that in a couple of minutes and replied to him with the link to the pull request. He asked me to make a couple of changes that are apt for the project and he merged the pull request.
Contributing to Open Source Git Cheat sheet by Eddie Jaoude helped me in the process of open source contribution
check my pull request here: github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/pull/..